Lady GaGa kena batunya kali ini. Gara-gara kostum 'unik'nya yang digunakan di tur Monster Ball, GaGa dilaporkan bangkrut!

Kotak Resmikan BANKKOT

Nama band Kotak memang sudah semakin populer di mata penggemarnya. Bahkan kini popularitas band yang memiliki vokalis Tantri itu mengukuhkan dirinya sebagai band papan atas. Bahkan, sebagai pembuktiannya, Kotak pun berupaya mendekatkan diri dengan meresmikan...


Setelah tampil memuaskan di KIMCHI 2011, membuat para fans Super Junior atau biasa dikenal dengan Everlasting Friends (ELF) merasa kurang. Mereka berharap bisa menyaksikan kembali performance Suju di Indonesia...



ELF Berharap SuJu Gelar SS4 di Indonesia

oleh burnz

Setelah tampil memuaskan di KIMCHI 2011, membuat para fans Super Junior atau biasa dikenal dengan Everlasting Friends (ELF) merasa kurang. Mereka berharap bisa menyaksikan kembali performance Suju di Indonesia.
Dan baru-baru ini para ELF membombardir twitter para personal SuJu agar Super Show 4 atau SS4 bisa digelar di Indonesia. Sebelumnya SS3 digelar di Singapura dan meraih sukses dengan disaksikan 20.000 orang. Berikut kutipan dari para ELF:

Indonesia WantSJ: WE WANT SS4 INDONESIA :) @special1004 @Heedictator @siwon407 @AllRiseSilver @ShinsFriends @ryeong9 @GaemGyu @donghae861015

World Wide ELFs RT: IndoELF lets trending SS4 INDONESIA if you want SS4 INDONESIA in here

Bahkan ada juga yang berharap dengan even KIMCHI kemarin menjadikan para personel SuJu untuk mempertimbangkan menggelar SS4 di Indonesia.

Mrs_kyuhyun:I hope KIMCHI yesterday isn't last stage in indonesia but the beginning of another super junior stage especially SS4

Super Show sendiri adalah rangkaian konser SuJu yang kini telah memasuki sesi ke-4. Di sesi ke-3 kemarin mereka menggelar di beberapa negara di kawasan Asia namun tak sampai di Indonesia. Dan di SS4 kini Suju berkeinginan untuk menggelar di luar Asia.

Namun melihat respon positif konser KIMCHI Sabtu (4/6) kemarin, bisa jadi mereka menggelar SS4 di Indonesia. Buat kalian ELF se-Indonesia, give your support and lets make it happen!

Kotak Resmikan BANKKOT

oleh burnz

Nama band Kotak memang sudah semakin populer di mata penggemarnya. Bahkan kini popularitas band yang memiliki vokalis Tantri itu mengukuhkan dirinya sebagai band papan atas. Bahkan, sebagai pembuktiannya, Kotak pun berupaya mendekatkan diri dengan meresmikan Kerabat Kotak yang ada di kota Banten.
"Pastinya kita bangga dengan dukungan fans ini, tentu saja. Karena ketika awal bermusik, saya pribadi tak mengira kami akan sesukses ini," kata Tantri, di sela peresmian Banten Kerabat Kotak (BANKKOT) di kota Cilegon, Jumat (3/6).

Peresmian itu digelar pada saat Meet & Greet Kotak dengan para penggemarnya di wilayah Cilegon, Banten. Kotak merupakan band yang menjadi band utama pada gelaran Gudang Garam Merah Spektafest, operet musik yang menampilkan kisah band yang meniti karir dari bawah hingga sukses.

Bersama Chua, Cella, dan Tantri menyatakan terima kasih kepada para fans yang merelakan waktunya untuk hadir bersama Kotak. Cella pun memainkan gitar menemani sejumlah fans yang menyanyikan lagu Kotak.

Di Cilegon, Kotak menghibur para penggemarnya pada Sabtu (4/6) malam. "Kami pun akan nyanyi bareng dengan idola kami," timpal Chua sambil menyebut eks vokalis Dewa 19, Once, sebagai sang idola yang akan menjadi bintang tamunya.

Selain Kotak, sejumlah band dan komedian memeriahkan Gudang Garam Merah Spektafest di Cilegon. Beberapa di antaranya ST12, Five Minutes, Marvell, dan Retina. Komedian yang memainkan opret kisah perjalanan Kotak adalah Aming, Sogi, Djody, TJ, Deswita Maharani, dan Simpang Lima.

Lady GaGa Bangkrut Gara-Gara Kostum!

oleh burnz

Lady GaGa kena batunya kali ini. Gara-gara kostum 'unik'nya yang digunakan di tur Monster Ball, GaGa dilaporkan bangkrut!
Penyanyi yang tak hanya dikenal lewat lagu-lagunya yang selalu menjadi hits, tapi juga karena gaya dan kostumnya yang nyentrik ini mengaku jatuh bangkrut selama Tur Monster Ball. Gara-garanya pun cukup ironis, karena dia terlalu banyak menghabiskan uang untuk 'menciptakan' kostum-kostumnya.
Dalam sebuah wawancara dengan Stephen Fry, pelantun tembang Judas ini menyatakan bahwa dirinya berhutang 3 juta dolar karena konsernya.
"Aku mengorbankan segalanya untuk konser ini, dan aku sempat bangkrut setelah Monster Ball diperpanjang untuk pertama kalinya. Dan lucunya, aku tak tahu. Aku ingat, aku pernah memanggil semua orang dan berkata, 'Kenapa semuanya bilang aku tak punya uang? Ini menggelikan, aku punya 5 single nomor satu!', dan mereka jawab, 'Well, kamu punya hutang 3 juta dolar,'" jelas GaGa.
Tapi rupanya GaGa tak perlu bangkrut berlama-lama. Pasalnya, tur yang berakhir bulan lalu ini ditonton oleh 2,5 juta orang dan berhasil meraup keuntungan berlipat ganda yang mencapai 228 juta dolar.

Tukeran link

oleh burnz

Ibarat sayur tanpa garam, mungkin itu juga ungkapan yang paling tepat untuk sebuah web atau blog yang nga punya link teman. Meski menyadari kalau DistroMusik masih sangat muda dan belum ada hal yang berarti di dalamnya, namun saya membuka diri seluas-luasnya bagi teman-teman yang bersedia bertukar link dengan web ini. Bagi teman-teman yang ingin bertukar link, harap isi komentar, sertakan url dan anchor text yang diinginkan, saya pasti akan memasang linknya di setiap halaman web ini… keren kan…
Oh ya.. buat temen-temen yang mau pasang banner di web ini, saya persilahkan juga, lihat disini Ukuran bannernya jangan besar-besar ya.. maksimal 125X125 pixels aja.. yakin deh pasti dipasang…
Buat para web master yang sudah punya web dengan PR yang tinggi, saya juga berharap berkenan bertukar link dengan web ini, meski web ini masih baru, tapi saya yakin kalau teman-teman mau bertukar link pasti akan membawa berkah… hehehehe…


oleh burnz

In a world teetering on the edge of self-destruction, award-winning filmmaker Velcrow Ripper sets out on a unique pilgrimage. Visiting the 'Ground Zeroes' of the planet, he asks if it's possible to find hope in the darkest moments of human history.

Ripper travels to the minefields of Cambodia; war-torn Afghanistan; the toxic wasteland of Bhopal; post-9/11 New York; Bosnia; Hiroshima; Israel and Palestine. This powerful documentary captures his five-year odyssey to discover if humanity can transform the 'scared' into the 'sacred'.
Deep in the jungles of Cambodia, Ripper meets Aki Ra, a child soldier forced to lay landmines for the Khmer Rouge. Today Aki wanders his ravaged country with a simple wooden stick, decommissioning thousands of mines each year. In the shattered land of Afghanistan, Ripper searches for a Sufi musician who was banned from performing or even listening to music, by the reign of fundamentalism. The musician discovered a way out: he filled his house with songbirds.
In each Ground Zero, he unearths unforgettable stories of survival, of ritual, resilience and recovery. ScaredSacred deftly weaves together stunning footage with haunting memories, inspirational stories, and an evocative soundscape. Featuring an engaging, first-person narrative, this film is an exquisite portrait of a search for meaning in times of turmoil, a luminous gift to a world in shadows.
In a world teetering on the edge of self-destruction, award-winning filmmaker Velcrow Ripper sets out on a unique pilgrimage. Visiting the 'Ground Zeroes' of the planet, he asks if it's possible to find hope in the darkest moments of human history.

Ripper travels to the minefields of Cambodia; war-torn Afghanistan; the toxic wasteland of Bhopal; post-9/11 New York; Bosnia; Hiroshima; Israel and Palestine. This powerful documentary captures his five-year odyssey to discover if humanity can transform the 'scared' into the 'sacred'.
Deep in the jungles of Cambodia, Ripper meets Aki Ra, a child soldier forced to lay landmines for the Khmer Rouge. Today Aki wanders his ravaged country with a simple wooden stick, decommissioning thousands of mines each year. In the shattered land of Afghanistan, Ripper searches for a Sufi musician who was banned from performing or even listening to music, by the reign of fundamentalism. The musician discovered a way out: he filled his house with songbirds.
In each Ground Zero, he unearths unforgettable stories of survival, of ritual, resilience and recovery. ScaredSacred deftly weaves together stunning footage with haunting memories, inspirational stories, and an evocative soundscape. Featuring an engaging, first-person narrative, this film is an exquisite portrait of a search for meaning in times of turmoil, a luminous gift to a world in shadows.
In a world teetering on the edge of self-destruction, award-winning filmmaker Velcrow Ripper sets out on a unique pilgrimage. Visiting the 'Ground Zeroes' of the planet, he asks if it's possible to find hope in the darkest moments of human history.

Ripper travels to the minefields of Cambodia; war-torn Afghanistan; the toxic wasteland of Bhopal; post-9/11 New York; Bosnia; Hiroshima; Israel and Palestine. This powerful documentary captures his five-year odyssey to discover if humanity can transform the 'scared' into the 'sacred'.
Deep in the jungles of Cambodia, Ripper meets Aki Ra, a child soldier forced to lay landmines for the Khmer Rouge. Today Aki wanders his ravaged country with a simple wooden stick, decommissioning thousands of mines each year. In the shattered land of Afghanistan, Ripper searches for a Sufi musician who was banned from performing or even listening to music, by the reign of fundamentalism. The musician discovered a way out: he filled his house with songbirds.
In each Ground Zero, he unearths unforgettable stories of survival, of ritual, resilience and recovery. ScaredSacred deftly weaves together stunning footage with haunting memories, inspirational stories, and an evocative soundscape. Featuring an engaging, first-person narrative, this film is an exquisite portrait of a search for meaning in times of turmoil, a luminous gift to a world in shadows.
In a world teetering on the edge of self-destruction, award-winning filmmaker Velcrow Ripper sets out on a unique pilgrimage. Visiting the 'Ground Zeroes' of the planet, he asks if it's possible to find hope in the darkest moments of human history.

Ripper travels to the minefields of Cambodia; war-torn Afghanistan; the toxic wasteland of Bhopal; post-9/11 New York; Bosnia; Hiroshima; Israel and Palestine. This powerful documentary captures his five-year odyssey to discover if humanity can transform the 'scared' into the 'sacred'.
Deep in the jungles of Cambodia, Ripper meets Aki Ra, a child soldier forced to lay landmines for the Khmer Rouge. Today Aki wanders his ravaged country with a simple wooden stick, decommissioning thousands of mines each year. In the shattered land of Afghanistan, Ripper searches for a Sufi musician who was banned from performing or even listening to music, by the reign of fundamentalism. The musician discovered a way out: he filled his house with songbirds.
In each Ground Zero, he unearths unforgettable stories of survival, of ritual, resilience and recovery. ScaredSacred deftly weaves together stunning footage with haunting memories, inspirational stories, and an evocative soundscape. Featuring an engaging, first-person narrative, this film is an exquisite portrait of a search for meaning in times of turmoil, a luminous gift to a world in shadows.
In a world teetering on the edge of self-destruction, award-winning filmmaker Velcrow Ripper sets out on a unique pilgrimage. Visiting the 'Ground Zeroes' of the planet, he asks if it's possible to find hope in the darkest moments of human history.

Ripper travels to the minefields of Cambodia; war-torn Afghanistan; the toxic wasteland of Bhopal; post-9/11 New York; Bosnia; Hiroshima; Israel and Palestine. This powerful documentary captures his five-year odyssey to discover if humanity can transform the 'scared' into the 'sacred'.
Deep in the jungles of Cambodia, Ripper meets Aki Ra, a child soldier forced to lay landmines for the Khmer Rouge. Today Aki wanders his ravaged country with a simple wooden stick, decommissioning thousands of mines each year. In the shattered land of Afghanistan, Ripper searches for a Sufi musician who was banned from performing or even listening to music, by the reign of fundamentalism. The musician discovered a way out: he filled his house with songbirds.
In each Ground Zero, he unearths unforgettable stories of survival, of ritual, resilience and recovery. ScaredSacred deftly weaves together stunning footage with haunting memories, inspirational stories, and an evocative soundscape. Featuring an engaging, first-person narrative, this film is an exquisite portrait of a search for meaning in times of turmoil, a luminous gift to a world in shadows.
In a world teetering on the edge of self-destruction, award-winning filmmaker Velcrow Ripper sets out on a unique pilgrimage. Visiting the 'Ground Zeroes' of the planet, he asks if it's possible to find hope in the darkest moments of human history.

Ripper travels to the minefields of Cambodia; war-torn Afghanistan; the toxic wasteland of Bhopal; post-9/11 New York; Bosnia; Hiroshima; Israel and Palestine. This powerful documentary captures his five-year odyssey to discover if humanity can transform the 'scared' into the 'sacred'.
Deep in the jungles of Cambodia, Ripper meets Aki Ra, a child soldier forced to lay landmines for the Khmer Rouge. Today Aki wanders his ravaged country with a simple wooden stick, decommissioning thousands of mines each year. In the shattered land of Afghanistan, Ripper searches for a Sufi musician who was banned from performing or even listening to music, by the reign of fundamentalism. The musician discovered a way out: he filled his house with songbirds.
In each Ground Zero, he unearths unforgettable stories of survival, of ritual, resilience and recovery. ScaredSacred deftly weaves together stunning footage with haunting memories, inspirational stories, and an evocative soundscape. Featuring an engaging, first-person narrative, this film is an exquisite portrait of a search for meaning in times of turmoil, a luminous gift to a world in shadows.
In a world teetering on the edge of self-destruction, award-winning filmmaker Velcrow Ripper sets out on a unique pilgrimage. Visiting the 'Ground Zeroes' of the planet, he asks if it's possible to find hope in the darkest moments of human history.

Ripper travels to the minefields of Cambodia; war-torn Afghanistan; the toxic wasteland of Bhopal; post-9/11 New York; Bosnia; Hiroshima; Israel and Palestine. This powerful documentary captures his five-year odyssey to discover if humanity can transform the 'scared' into the 'sacred'.
Deep in the jungles of Cambodia, Ripper meets Aki Ra, a child soldier forced to lay landmines for the Khmer Rouge. Today Aki wanders his ravaged country with a simple wooden stick, decommissioning thousands of mines each year. In the shattered land of Afghanistan, Ripper searches for a Sufi musician who was banned from performing or even listening to music, by the reign of fundamentalism. The musician discovered a way out: he filled his house with songbirds.
In each Ground Zero, he unearths unforgettable stories of survival, of ritual, resilience and recovery. ScaredSacred deftly weaves together stunning footage with haunting memories, inspirational stories, and an evocative soundscape. Featuring an engaging, first-person narrative, this film is an exquisite portrait of a search for meaning in times of turmoil, a luminous gift to a world in shadows.
In a world teetering on the edge of self-destruction, award-winning filmmaker Velcrow Ripper sets out on a unique pilgrimage. Visiting the 'Ground Zeroes' of the planet, he asks if it's possible to find hope in the darkest moments of human history.

Ripper travels to the minefields of Cambodia; war-torn Afghanistan; the toxic wasteland of Bhopal; post-9/11 New York; Bosnia; Hiroshima; Israel and Palestine. This powerful documentary captures his five-year odyssey to discover if humanity can transform the 'scared' into the 'sacred'.
Deep in the jungles of Cambodia, Ripper meets Aki Ra, a child soldier forced to lay landmines for the Khmer Rouge. Today Aki wanders his ravaged country with a simple wooden stick, decommissioning thousands of mines each year. In the shattered land of Afghanistan, Ripper searches for a Sufi musician who was banned from performing or even listening to music, by the reign of fundamentalism. The musician discovered a way out: he filled his house with songbirds.
In each Ground Zero, he unearths unforgettable stories of survival, of ritual, resilience and recovery. ScaredSacred deftly weaves together stunning footage with haunting memories, inspirational stories, and an evocative soundscape. Featuring an engaging, first-person narrative, this film is an exquisite portrait of a search for meaning in times of turmoil, a luminous gift to a world in shadows.


oleh burnz
